Vending Machine
Rentals & Re-Stocking Services
in Gillette, WY
Craig Vending & Distributing has been proudly serving Northeast Wyoming with reliable and expert vending services for over 3 decades now. We are currently well-equipped with a range of Gold Medal popcorn making machines, cotton candy machines, and snow cone machines.
Our experienced technicians can also re-stock your existing vending machine in case you have run out of supplies. Besides that, we also provide brand new card readers and can take on special orders according to your needs too. We are always willing to go the extra mile for you to provide great customer service with excellent flexibility.
- Vending operator- Craig Vending has been proudly serving Northeast Wyoming with reliable
and expert vending service for over 3 decades.
- Concession Equipment- We are a Gold Medal Distributor with rentals of Popcorn poppers, Son-cone
and Cotton Candy machines. We stock all kinds of concessions supplies along with our rental programs.
- Beverage Distributor- We service the local stores with your favorite beverages.
Want One Of Our Vending Machines Onsite?
We’ve got you covered with high-end, proficient units from Gold Medal, including re-stocking solutions.